Founder of ASSITEJ Spain, and first president of the association. She starts her links with the theatre for children in 1942, through the “Femenine Section” in FET and JONS, the only entity that, in the 40s, was working in activities of this kind. In 1960, the Company Los Títeres (puppets), was created with her as Director. It was the first professional company working for children, from the end of the civil war.
During the 60s and 70s, she attended many national and international congresses and meetings about theatre for children, as a responsible of “Theatre for youngsters” in the Ministry Tourism and Information. In 1965, Spain became part of ASSITEJ, as a founder, participating in the Congress where first statutes were approved. It was defended the quality of theatre for children, done by professionals, just as theatre for adults.
Being the president of AETIJ (the first name for ASSITEJ Spain), she was in charge of getting information from Spanish-speaking countries and spreading it between ASSITEJ members. The Boletín Iberoamericano de Teatro para la Infancia y la Juventud was created. After half century, this publication still is on. During her presidency, the theatre texts prize was created, and the workshops and meetings between puppeteers were organised. UNIMA Spanish Centre was born thanks to this initiative.