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Policies & Protocols Handbook

The ASSITEJ International Policies & Protocol Handbook is a comprehensive document that outlines the Association’s established policies, guidelines, and procedures. It serves as a reference and guide for members, the Executive Committee, staff, and other stakeholders regarding the association’s operational and administrative practices.

The handbook includes a wide range of policies that cover various aspects of ASSITEJ International’s operations. These policies encompass the areas of (1) The Roles that ASSITEJ International Plays for its Members, (2) Membership, (3) Codes of Conduct, (4) Requesting Support, (5) Advocacy, (6) Awards, (7) Fundraising, and (8) How to Bid for an ASSITEJ International Meeting.

The handbook provides clear and consistent guidelines for members to understand their rights, responsibilities, and obligations within the Association. It ensures that members have a common understanding of the Association’s expectations and standards of behaviour, promoting fairness, equity, and professionalism. Moreover, the handbook serves as a tool for effective governance and management. It defines the procedures and protocols for decision-making, outlining the roles and responsibilities of the Association’s leadership, committees, and staff. It establishes a framework for conducting meetings, handling conflicts of interest, and managing resources, enabling efficient and transparent operations.

You may view the latest version of the ASSITEJ International Policies & Protocols Handbook here in both English and Spanish.

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