ASSITEJ invites all members to take part in the General Assembly, during the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress in Havana, Cuba.
On this page, you will find information on the following items:
- Participation: Rights, proxies, membership fees
- Call for candidates for the Executive Committee
- Call for ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings and World Congress bids
- Deadline for proposals for amendments to the constitution of ASSITEJ
Attending the General Assembly
ASSITEJ National Centres and ASSITEJ International Professional Network are invited to attend the General Assembly with a delegation of up to three persons. We encourage you to participate with three persons whenever possible.
Additional members of the National Centres and Networks can participate as observers.
ASSITEJ Affiliates are invited to participate in the work of the General Assembly.
If you have not yet responded about whether you will attend the General Assembly, please do so in the link below:
Members of the Association (ASSITEJ National Centres and ASSITEJ International Professional Networks) have the right to make proposals at the General Assembly, to present a candidate for the Executive Committee, to make bids for ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings and the ASSITEJ World Congress and to vote. Each member has one vote.
Affiliates are invited to participate in the work of the General Assembly but do not have the right to present a candidate for the Executive Committee, to make bids or to vote.
Voting by proxy is permitted according to art 9.2.4.
A National Centre or International Professional Network wishing to transfer its proxy must do so in writing.
A delegation from a National Centre or an International Professional Network can hold a proxy for only one other member (whether National Centre or International Professional Network).
Make sure that that you are to up to date with your fee payments including the year of the General Assembly so you can exercise your right to vote.
Treasurer Ernie Nolan will send the Claims for the membership fees in February 2024.
Executive Committee
We are calling for candidates to serve on the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ (EC) in the next three-year term (2024 – 2027).
The EC consists of up to 15 members that are elected at the General Assembly from among the candidates nominated by the ASSITEJ National Centres and International Professional Network.
For a candidate to be elected they need to attract a minimum of 50% of votes cast.
The deadline to submit candidacies is 15 March 2024.
Please write to the Secretary General if you have questions or need help:
Nominate A Candidate for the EC
All members have the right to propose one candidate for the Executive Committee including the ASSITEJ International Professional Networks
According to the constitution the number of network positions in the Executive Committee cannot exceed the number calculated as a proportional number of network members voting as opposed to national centre members voting. Given the current membership this means that there is one network membership candidate available.
All members can also propose candidates for the positions of President and Secretary General.
Both President Sue Giles and Secretary General Louis Valente are planning to stand again.
Please contact the Secretary-General for more information if you are considering candidacies for either of these positions:
From amongst the members of the Executive Committee, the General Assembly shall elect the Treasurer, who shall be nominated in a meeting of the new Executive Committee and approved by the General Assembly.
The members of the EC are elected to work for the global association. This includes
- around 2 meetings in person per year that takes place in different parts of the world. The length of these is between 8-10 days. These meetings can be attended online but EC members are expected to attend at least 1 meeting in person per year.
- around 2 online EC meetings per year.
- Monthly meetings online in working groups
- Individual work prior to and after the meetings in the working groups.
- Each EC member comes with a knowledge of their national and regional needs and concerns, but they are expected to work for the global association. Each EC member once elected, is not there to represent their own National Centre or Professional Network, but asked to think ‘outside of their own backyard’.
Skills are needed around a range of areas. Candidates are asked to read our job description document carefully.
Artistic Gatherings & World Congresses
ASSITEJ holds ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings and World Congress. These global ASSITEJ events are hosted and organised by a member of ASSITEJ and are voted upon by the General Assembly on the basis of bids from the members.
For this General Assembly ASSITEJ calls for bids for the 22nd ASSITEJ World Congress in 2027 and ASSITEJ the Artistic Gathering in 2028. The bid for 2028 will be opened again in 2027 if no hosts are selected by the General Assembly in 2024.
Submit bids by writing to the Secretary General:
Information about hosting the World Congress or the Artistic Gathering can be found in the ASSITEJ Policies & Protocols Handbook on our website. Reports from previous World Congresses and Artistic Gatherings can also be found on the website.
If you are considering hosting an Artistic Gathering or the World Congress, please contact the Secretariat as soon as possible:
The Executive Committee has decided not to call for proposals to host an ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering in 2026. Instead, we will call for up to three Regional Development Programmes.
This is a pilot model of engagement with members in this next term. We make this a pilot because we feel the Regional Development Programmes will have a stronger effect in:
- Creating a long-lasting impact
- Being more manageable for the National Centres that host them
- Supporting a greater number of National Centres
- Requiring less travel from the membership, being more inclusive in terms of access to mobility funds and more ecologically sustainable.
More information will follow soon.
Constitutional changes & Agenda
The General Assembly has final control over the Constitution, and decides on any changes or amendments. Any member wishing to amend the Constitution must give notice in writing to the Secretary General, no later than 15 March 2024.
Any decision to amend the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority at the General Assembly.
The Executive Committee also welcomes other proposals, for example for the working plan of the next term 2024-2027.
Submit proposals to the General Assembly by writing to the Secretary General:
The deadline for all bids, candidacies and constitutional amendments is 15 March 2024.