Share our optimism – join our festivals
Several festivals in Germany will welcome you either online or in cities like Cologne, Stuttgart and Duesseldorf. We hope that colleagues from all over the world will use the opportunities we are creating right now for encounters in digital spaces and, hopefully, in person. Check out Augenblick mal! Festival’s first digital appearance (16 – 21 April 2021,, Westwind Festival (15 – 21 May 2021, at COMEDIA Theatre Cologne), Schöne Aussicht / Bright View international festival (6 – 13 June 2021, Bright View 2021 (E) | JES | Junges Ensemble Stuttgart ( at Junges Ensemble Stuttgart) and Theater der Welt (17 June – 4 July 2021 in Duesseldorf). For the first time ever, Theater der Welt takes TYA into focus and will also include an international youth congress.
ASSITEJ Manifesto at work
ASSITEJ Germany has put the ASSITEJ Manifesto to work and invited its members to create events for the World Day of TYA on March 20th. Street theatre, video statements, photo exhibitions, political discussions and digital productions will be presented on March 20th. The Manifesto is also used as the basis for contributions to ASSITEJ Germany’s magazine: dramatists, politicians, volunteer workers, teachers, students, artistic directors and others have been invited to select one aspect from the Manifesto and relate it to their work and their vision for the future. We will share some of the statements with the international community.
New publications
ASSITEJ Germany’s new yearbook takes a look at the body and its roles in TYA. It approaches ideas of gender diversity and how they make it onto TYA stages, it gives voice to professional actors and amateur actors, turns to the possibilities created by combining dance and the idea of cyborgs, asks about puppets and beauty and the rules and regulations that apply for film and music and whether they have any relevance for theatre. Yes, it’s in German, but please ask if you are curious to learn more about individual articles or contact the contributors.
The Frankfurt Forum for Young Theatre 2020 included a reflective writing workshop that asked participants (mostly experts from TYA) to formulate +/- 120 questions about TYA. The result is impressive: More than 1000 questions about TYA + aesthetics, mediation, politics, crisis and institutions could be published in a brochure that stimulates curiosity and makes TYA’s relevance visible. Again, it’s in German, but please contact us if you would like to learn more about this publication and the process of its production.