FETEN, the European Performing Arts Fair for children, is one of the main performing arts fairs in Spain. ASSITEJ Spain has been present in its 29th edition, held in Gijón (Asturias) from 9th to 14th February, with numerous activities to which members and interested parties have been invited. Moreover, meetings with different professionals of the sector have been held and a magnificent program has been enjoyed.
On Tuesday 11th February ASSITEJ Spain presented, together with representatives of TTP, AAT, Te Veo, UNIMA and the Escuela Navarra de Teatro, the second Gathering of Dramaturgy for Young Audiences. They will take place in Pamplona from July 21st to 25th and the inscriptions are already open.
The ASSITEJ Spain 2019 Awards ceremony took place on Wednesday 12th February. In it, the playwright and researcher Hugo Salcedo received the Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Young People Juan Cervera for his study La migración en el teatro para niños y jóvenes de México. Contexto, estrategias y recursos dramáticos (Migration in theatre for children and oung people in Mexico. Dramatic context, strategies and resources) and the creator Rosa Díaz, La Rous, received the National Award ASSITEJ Spain 2019 as she was chosen by the members of ASSITEJ Spain as the winner of the award.
On Thursday 14th February, the General Assembly of members was held, open to the interested public. The partners attending FETEN knew the balance of the entity after a year full of activities in 2019 and shared the new projects that will take place in 2020. In addition, they voted in person and counted the votes for the renewal of the Board of Directors, by which the positions and members are composed until the next renewal.