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Augenblick mal! 2019

Augenblick mal! from 7 to 12 May 2019

…invites you to experience six exciting days in Berlin including drama, music theatre, puppetry and dance for young audiences

… is the platform for outstanding productions and diverse positions in the performing arts for young audiences from Germany and the world.

… creates a space for reflection and exchange about the aesthetic, political and social aspects of the performing arts and about the ongoing dialogue with young audiences.

We welcome international guests! All German performances will be subtitled.
The international guest performances program is curated, that’s why we kindly ask you to refrain from submitting applications.

The German festival program is being curated by: Carsten Brandau (Hamburg), Çığır Özyurt-Güneş (Berlin), Bianca Sue Henne (Heilbronn), Ina Karr (Mainz) & Eva-Maria Magel (Frankfurt).


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