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For the third year, Scènes d’enfance – ASSITEJ France organises “Avignon, enfants à l’honneur”, a 3 days tour for young audiences within the biggest theatre festival in the world. Come and share!

“Avignon, enfants à l’honneur” is a yearly proposal from Scènes d’enfance – ASSITEJ France, which gathers 400 to 500 children from the whole country, and now, from Tunisia, Belgium, and Québec. During 3 days, they are offered to experiment theatre within the most extraordinary performance place : the festival of Avignon. Each child attends 1 or 2 performances a day, takes parts in workshops with leading TYA artists, enjoys dancing in a giant ball, and discovers the wonderful medieval city of Avignon, completely devoted to performing arts in July.

We would like to invite a group up to 10 international professionals to join to this event, from 10 to 13 of July. Accompanied by our staff, they will be proposed performances for all ages, out of 40 selected for their quality, will meet French TYA artist and cultural managers in informal gatherings and share some aspects of the children programs. Scènes d’enfance – ASSITEJ France can provide tickets, local transports, some of the meals to every of them. Accommodation can be provided too, but only for five persons.

If you are interested, please, contact François Fogel :

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