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Young People and the Arts, Australia, (YPAA) the Australian centre for ASSITEJ International, is changing the way we work for and with the sector.

From October 15 2015 we have become an online resource, with our communications hosted through peak body Theatre Network Victoria as part of their Australia –wide newsletter.

We are changing our current model of paid membership, to a free membership of interested people – an alliance of those passionate about the arts for, with and by young people in Australia and beyond with  no membership fees attached to this alliance.

We will maintain the YPAA website as a resource and historical archive, updating with articles on the home page when possible and maintaining the Facebook page with links to each on the TNV website.  We will focus on news that affects our sector and, through our connection with TNV, connect in real terms with the bigger picture of the arts in Australia.

ASSITEJ is the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People and YPAA has been the Australian centre of ASSITEJ for 40 years. The opportunities through this international association are many, with over 90 countries as members, bringing people together around performance in a huge array of projects and artforms; information about festivals around the world; up to date trends in theatre; global movements;  and policies and advocacy at the core.  It is vital that we remain part of this international association as Australia’s voice has been an essential part of the ASSITEJ history and has a lot to offer in the current climate.

We have opened the YPAA doors to all practitioners passionate about TYA.  The more people we have in this alliance, the stronger the collective voice is able to be, so we encourage you to be part of YPAA in this way.

Because we have wound down the existing incorporated association, there will no longer be a Board of YPAA.  The only official position after this shift will be the international representative position of ASSITEJ Executive Committee member, currently held by Sue Giles.

We hope that YPAA can become a broader, diverse, inclusive and multi-voiced place for people to seek information and connection. We hope that the networks and connections that have formed during the Free the Arts campaign and before remain strong.  We hope that this change will serve our sector in the best way with the possibility of greater capacity in the future.

Other news: report from Alex Desebrock from the ASSITEJ Germany International Directors Seminar

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