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The ASSITEJ Small Countries Network is very proud and happy to inform that their network is now a reality!

Structure of Network: 
Members: The Network comprises ASSITEJ International members (national centres or  individual members) from countries with a population under one million, which are for  the time being:

ASSITEJ Luxembourg 


ASSITEJ Iceland 

ASSITEJ Liechtenstein 

Zigu Zajg (Malta) 

Bradipoteatar (San Marino) 

*If, at any point, there is a new ASSITEJ member from a country with a population of less  than one million, it could join the Network after approval from the Board.  

Board: The Network board comprises the presidents of its members. The board meets  through Zoom every second month. It also meets with physical presence during ASSITEJ  Congresses and Artistic Gatherings.  

Council: The Council comprises all the board members of all the member  organizations. The Council meets through Zoom once a year.  

General Assembly: The General Assembly comprises all the members of all the  member organisations. The General Assembly meets through Zoom once per year and  in coffee sessions/other events organised by the Board.  

Preparation for the meetings rotates between the National Centers. 

Role in ASSITEJ International: The network is similar to the informal regional networks in ASSITEJ like the Iberoamerican Network or the Baltic-Nordic Network: A space for collaboration and exchange related to shared conditions or geographical proximity or linguistic familiarity. The Small Countries Network is not a formal member of ASSITEJ International like the ASSITEJ Networks.


-To strengthen the relations between the smaller countries of the ASSITEJ community.  -To share ideas, works and good practices.  

-To collaborate on small or on large-scale projects, including campaigns, showcases,  festivals or exchange programmes.  

-To sponsor and support individuals and national centers in small countries to join the  ASSITEJ international community. 

Common Challenges of Small Countries in TYA: 

-Limited budget for TYA productions.  

-Limited audience.  

-National Centres don’t have the resources (human and economic) that larger centres  have.  

-Artists from small countries don’t have as many opportunities as artists from larger  countries to participate in international festivals and other events.  

-Less touring opportunities in your own country because of limited numbers of theatres  and other venues.  

-Theatre infrastructure is often inferior to that of larger countries.  

-Sponsorships for TYA are limited.  

-The cultural sector of small countries is often linked to the cultural sector of larger,  neighbouring countries.  

-Matters relating to the language or languages we use in TYA. 

Marketing and promotion: 


-Facebook page 

-Instagram page 

-Introductory video to be shared with other ASSITEJ members.


Small Countries Network

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