bibu – an international performing arts biennial for children and youth and Sweden’s most important meeting place for the sector, are looking for international performances to present during the next biennal on the 27-30th of May 2026 in Helsingborg, Sweden.
bibu is the most important meeting place in Sweden for professional performing arts for a young audience – an arena where all of us who work with children, young people and performing arts and culture, get together to experience and discuss performing arts for children and youth.
Biannually the festival gathers more than 1000 delegates from Sweden and around the world. Since it started in 2006 the biennale has developed steadily and is now recognized as one of the largest performing arts festivals for the sector in the Nordic region and across Europe.
For each edition of bibu an appointed jury curates a selection of Swedish and international performances that are presented during the biennial. The selected performances are pioneering and are at the cutting edge of performance making for young audiences. In addition to the performances, bibu also offers an extensive seminar and workshop program that provides insight into current issues and research.
The festival’s reputation attracts participants and visitors from all over Sweden, the Nordics and the rest of the world and acts as a meeting point to strengthen national and international networks and collaboration.
The next biennal will take place in Helsingborg, Sweden on the 27-30 of May 2026.
bibu AB is owned by Swedish ASSITEJ and Teatercentrum.
Do you want to be part of bibu’s next program? Nominate your production!
Nominated productions should be aimed at audiences between 0-19 years and need to be available to perform during the bibu festival (27-30th of May 2026) in Helsingborg, Sweden. Applications must be submitted no later than July 31, 2025.
The international productions will be selected by the International Selection Committee consisting of four persons and the directors of bibu. The brief is to find performing arts for children and young people that inspire, provoke debate and are at the forefront of high artistic quality.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the conditions of your participation on
You find the nomination form on our website;