News from ASSITEJ Chile

We have been in confinement for 115 days, there are an estimated 6,800 deaths and the infection curve seems to be dropping. We know that we cannot be too happy, that we will have to stay in our homes for a long time. Meanwhile, we workers in the world of art and culture are adrift, led by a Ministry that seems to be deaf to the needs of a sector that does not appear on the state’s radar.
The situation is difficult but culture with its many expressions refuses to remain confined; its spirit crosses the screens delivering musical concerts, theatre, dance, cinema, etc. because fortunately it is restless and resists death.
Our associates, like so many other artists, have worked hard and creatively to adapt to the times and to guarantee our children and young people the right to continue being spectators and enjoy quality productions that allow them to continue imagining and having fun, and workshops where they can spend a fun time and share. Themes have emerged that present us with challenges and that are related to the protocols for online classes, as well as everything related to exhibition rights in new platforms and formats.
The Pandemic poses new questions that we as an association seek to answer together, and with the hope of coming out of this crisis stronger as a sector.
By Isidora Palma Director of Relations and Agreements Te Veo Assitej Chile