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The City Theatre Žar ptica invites all professional children theatres to submit their
applications for the 19 th International Naj, naj, naj Festival, taking place in Zagreb, Croatia
from 24 to 28 April 2019.
Puppet performances cannot participate in the Festival.

Applications shall be received by 1 November 2018 at the latest at our address:
Gradsko kazalište Žar ptica
19. Naj, naj, naj festival
Bijenička 97
10000 Zagreb
Or online at

Applications received after 1 November 2018 shall not be taken into consideration.

Which performance will be considered
Selection of the Naj, naj,naj festival is focused on drama performance suitable for
performing indoors. The workshops will not be considered. Each theatre may apply with
only one performance.

How to apply

Apart from the completed Application form, all participants shall send the following:
1. A DVD recording of the performance (sent in a package or link to a video
recording of the entire performance)
2. 4 photographs (in high resolution)
3. Short summary of the performance with an obligatory summary in English if the
performance is in foreign language.

Performance selection

The main criterion for performance selection is their artistic value. The selector, appointed
by the Artistic director of the Naj, Naj, Naj Festival, decides on the official programme of
the festival.
The results of the selection shall be announced at on 1 December 2018
at the latest.


The Naj, Naj, Naj festival is a competition of non-puppet performances judged by an expert
jury constituted of renowned theatrical artists and critics. The best performances are
awarded the Golden Fire Birds (Žar ptica) in ten categories.
Specificity of the Naj, Naj, Naj Festival
The aim of the Festival is to offer the very best of the Croatian and international children
theatre production and present the performances during the spring school holidays.
The Festival offers free admission to performances.

What is provided by the Naj, Naj, Naj Festival

The Naj, Naj, Naj Festival provides accommodation and meals to all participants, fee for
the performance and technical support.
Travelling costs are covered by each participating theatre.

Drago Utješanović
Artistic director of the Naj, Naj, Naj Festival

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