Welcoming creators, artists, producers, presenters, programmers, directors and educators from Ireland and beyond to Galway this October!
Delegate Box Office opens Wednesday, September 5th.
As a Visiting Delegate, you receive the following benefits:
- A comprehensive information and contacts pack, telling you everything you need to know for your Baboró experience and stay in Galway. Find information on participating companies, full show descriptions and a list of fellow visiting delegates. The pack also serves as a visitor’s guide to Galway, giving information on the city and listing local restaurants and businesses.
- A schedule of activities tailored to your visit, including 1 ticket per show and 1 ticket per discussion.
- Invitations to our Artists and Delegates Nights, giving you opportunities to meet the Baboró team and network in an informal atmosphere.
- A dedicated Delegate & Artist Liaison.
- A Delegate Hub where you can relax and meet with other delegates.
For more information please visit our website: https://www.baboro.ie/festival2018/visiting-delegates
If you have further questions, feel free to contact delegate@baboro.ie.