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Birmingham Daily Musings

ON THE EDGE 2016, Birmingham was just my second time at an ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering but it felt like coming home. I was looking forward to meet people I met in Berlin last year and many more I hadn’t met yet, including the Next Generation participants. I was missing the Berlin NG group so bad but at the same time looking forward to the new group and an exciting week ahead with Aamir Nawaz (Pakistan), Bhavik Parmar (England), Catherine Boot (England), Derem Ciray (Turkey), Elidh MacAskill (Scotland), Emma Jayne Park (Scotland), Gina Saggiante (Mexico), Heidi Schoenenberger (USA/Ireland), Katy Weir (England), Kirsty Roberts (England), Leonie Bruckner (Austria), Luciana Candido de Lima (Brazil), Niamh NiChonchubhair (Ireland), Philip Morris (England), Sacha Copland (New Zealand), Sachiyo Yorifuji (Japan), Sarah Hope Morrissey (Ireland), Samantha Porciello (Northern Ireland), Stacey Sampson (England), Thong Pei Qin (Singapore) and Yusrah Bardien (South Africa). And us! Nina Weber (Germany) and I, from the 2015 group of Next Generation participants…

By Nishna Mehta

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