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ASSITEJ Norway are thrilled to announce the next edition of SAND! The festival will for the first time appear as an annual event, and we ask you all to mark it in your calendar. The theme of the festival is inter-disciplinarity in arts for a young audience.

Interplay between the arts

As a follow-up of last year’s theme of interplay – the theme of the festival thus specifies on the interplay between different artistic expressions. Some of the questions we will be exploring through performances, seminars, discussions and workshops are: What does it mean to work inter-disciplinary? How can we ensure a non-hierarchical relationship between different dramaturgical elements of a performance? Why is it interesting to work inter-disciplinary for a young audience? How can new media and technological innovations add to arts for children?

International professional programme

This year’s festival will be somewhat smaller in size as we want to gradually expand into the annual rhythm. For the 2016 edition a stronger focus will be on the professional programme, both aimed at practitioners and scholars. A handful of high quality performances will be carefully selected to raise interesting questions in line with the festival theme. There will be no call for performances, but instead we aim to present a range of artistic and research projects for an international professional audience.

Watch out for an international call for presentations which will be announced shortly!

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