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Write Local Play Global, the Playwrights Network of ASSITEJ, together with Iberoassitej, the Ibero-American Network of Performing Arts for Children and Youth and ASSITEJ Cuba, are working on the organisation of the traditional Playwrights Slam. This is a space for the meeting and reading of dramatic texts for Children and Youth in the framework of the XXI ASSITEJ Congress and Festival “Voices of a New World” that will take place in Havana from 24 May to 2 June 2024.

The Playwrights’ Slam is not a competition but readings of 3-minute fragments that the playwrights do of their own plays (already written or in the process of being written). These readings may address different genres (theatre – monologues – playwriting for puppets, and others).

The call is addressed to playwrights from Ibero-America (Latin America – Spain and Portugal) and the Caribbean who have written or are writing texts on the theme of war. The choice is not fortuitous. The world is going through a violent and convulsive time of confrontation between countries and/or within countries, violence, exclusion, forced and voluntary emigration as a consequence, death and isolation. Children suffer directly or indirectly from this situation, altering both their present and their future possibilities. Many playwrights around the world have made their voices heard through their plays, and we propose to join them in bringing our message to the stage.

The texts must be read by their authors in the original language. If selected, an English translation will be requested in order to facilitate understanding for participants from other languages.

After the reading, there will be an exchange between the authors and the audience.

The complete texts will be published with the corresponding translation on the WLPG website ( and in the Colección Dramática Iberoamericana (

The selection will be made by members of WLPG, IBEROASSITEJ and ASSITEJ Cuba.

Those playwrights interested in participating should complete the following form and send it before 31 March 2024.

Participants of the Slam will also be able to take part in workshops, round tables and performances of the Festival

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Please note that these are AI translations that have not yet been manually checked.