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Call for papers

The Asociación de Teatristas Independientes para Niños/as y Adolescentes (ATINA) in collaboration with the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research  Network (ITYARN), both members of ASSITEJ International, are organizing the 7TH CRITICS AND RESEARCHERS OF PERFORMING ARTS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH (PYA) INTERNATIONAL FORUM with the aim of improving the development of research in the field at national and international level.

The 7th Forum will take place in the first week of October 2025 and for the first time it will be an itinerant forum between the city of Buenos Aires and the city of Posadas, Misiones, Argentina.

Since the very beginning, the Forums have aimed to make a theoretical contribution to professionals in the area that stimulates the development of new trends and allows reflection on the challenges of PYA in the 21st century. During the meeting, different theoretical frameworks of critical approach will be proposed and the role of theory in practice and practice in theory will be discussed.

The theme to be addressed by the 7th Forum is:


The proposal understands SPACE in a broad sense that allows different approaches:

1- The stage space itself and its aesthetic approach.

2- The physical spaces of representation: theatres, public spaces, museums, schools, clubs, etc.

3- The space they occupy within arts training institutions.

4- The space occupied by PYA within local, national, and international Culture.

5- The space occupied by PYA in national or international Public Policies.

What is the difference between the stage space for adults and for young people? Is there a stage space designed for children or do they share the space of adults? Is PYA the main activity or is it secondary and dependent on cultural activities in general?

On the other hand, do the governmental or non-governmental, national or international bodies take into account the proposals for children and young people as a particular sector with its own characteristics and needs? Are there specific lines of support for young audiences? What is happening in the training centers (schools, universities, performing arts professorships)? Are there subjects dedicated to performing arts for children and youth? Are there new spaces for children and youth?

These are some questions we would like to discuss during this forum.  To think present and future spaces.

The papers can be based on theoretical research as well as on personal experiences as long as the latter involve reflection on the point in question, with the corresponding theoretical justification.

The program will include lectures, readings of papers, plenary sessions, round tables and debates by researchers and creators of the PYA from different countries.

The Forum will be live and transmitted by streaming. Active participation, including presenting and discussing papers, is only IN-PERSON at the Forum.

The working language is Spanish/Portuguese and English with simultaneous translation.

Participants and lecturers will also be able to attend specially selected performances from the local program and parallel events such as readings of dramatic texts and workshops.

For more information, please contact


Presentation of papers


Papers may be submitted by researchers, creators, teachers, and students of any nationality.


Abstracts can be submitted in English or Spanish or Portuguese.

Papers will be submitted in the original language, but translation will be required once it is accepted.



Titles and abstracts

They should be sent by 10 February 2025 by e-mail to with the subject 7th FORUM, with a maximum of 200 words. The title of the paper, name and surname of the speaker and institution where he/she works, city and country, e-mail, telephone, and an abbreviated CV of no more than 1000 characters should be included. Abstracts can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.

Collaborative papers may be submitted.

Deadline for submission and characteristics of the final paper

Once the acceptance of the abstract has been confirmed, which will take place during the month of March, the final paper must be sent by 31 July 2025 to infoatina@gmail with the subject 7th FORUM. The name of the attachment will be the surname of the speaker.

The text should not exceed 8 pages (A4 size, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, font 12). Papers should be submitted as a double copy in Word and PDF.

Notes and bibliography not intended for reading will be included on separate sheets. The paper may only be read by its author.

THE PAPERS OF THE 7TH RESEARCHERS AND CRITICS OF PYA INTERNATIONAL FORUM will be published in paper or digital format with ISBN number.

Evaluating committee:

It will be composed of members of ATINA and ITYARN.


The English or Spanish/Portuguese translation of the final paper, as appropriate, must be submitted in Word by 31 AUGUST 2023. Google translations will not be accepted. The organization will provide translation support to those who require it at the exhibitor’s expense.


No registration fees will be charged for the presentation and reading of papers.

The costs of transport, accommodation, food and tickets to the shows will be covered by each participant.

For further information, please contact


ATINA, ASSITEJ’s representative in Argentina, has been developing an intense activity since its creation in 2002, both nationally and internationally, in order to stimulate the development of the performing arts for children and young people in our country and to integrate it into the international concert. Its activity is developed through the organization of Festivals, Forums, Workshops, Library, Meetings, both national and international. ATINA is a member of the Ibero-American Network of TYA.

ITYARN (International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network) is the international network of researchers of ASSITEJ. It is the aim of ITYARN to work for the development of research on theatre for young audiences (children and youth) through exchanges of academic material, essays and conferences, symposiums, and festivals.

The International Forum of Researchers and Critics of Theatre for Children and Young People has been honored by the Theatre of the World Awards given by the University of Buenos Aires in 2010.

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