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Were you with us last year at AAG Turning Point? Maybe you want to repeat the meeting with our members and get an insight into the best of the production of premiered theatrical plays for children and young people from the previous year? Or did you miss out on learning about contemporary performance practice for children and young people in Serbia last year and would like to know more? FAS is the festival of members of ASSITEJ Serbia. It takes place from November 6-10 this year in Belgrade. The program offers 9 performances for children and young people of different ages, chosen by the producers themselves. A specific feature of this festival is the discussions of the jury members open to the public at the end of each program day. The participants of the program talk about what they saw to get to know each other better, understand each other, inspire and support each other,… and thus raise the art for the youngest and young ones to a higher level.

Still interested? So, you should come! We will welcome you with open arms and take you on.


6th ASSITEJ Serbia Festival – Mighty Journeys

The slogans of the ASSITEJ Serbia Festival (FAS) were designed to tell the story of the origin, development and life of our festival. Let’s start the story was the slogan with which we started the adventure called the ASSITEJ Serbia Festival in 2019. Indeed, the story has begun, and very successfully! FAS is written together was the slogan of the second and third, double edition of FAS (2020/21), because our most important goal is to strengthen our theatre community. Jump in!﹣was the slogan of the fourth FAS in 2022, with which we cordially invited old and new friends, colleagues and participants to join us in our mission, enrich the festival with their perspectives and breathe new energy into it. When the “ship” was full, it was time to Set Sail, as we called the fifth jubilee FAS, which was held in front of the entire international community as part of the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering Turning Point. And after a successful sailing, our ship is ready for Mighty Journeys. Mighty Journeys was the title of the exhibition organised by ASSITEJ Serbia as part of the 10th TIBA Festival in 2012, and the intention was to talk about the long-term, extended effect of performances in our emotional memory through sequences-images that remain in our memories. We decided to use this title again because:

* Every time you go to the theatre and immerse yourself in the play, empathising with its story, heroes, and atmosphere is like going on a journey, and the greater the emotional connection with the play is, the more powerful the journey

* When we travel somewhere far from home, we have the opportunity to look at ourselves and our life from another angle, and the theatre offers us the same opportunity – to question ourselves, the world around us, the decisions we make, our desires, possibilities, ambitions, ideas, life that we live

* When we travel somewhere, and when we are open-hearted, we are amazed by new landscapes, smells, sounds, and a new language, and we will feel the same way in the theatre if we watch a play with open eyes and an open heart

* Some shows are like a vacation at the seaside, some are like a city tour, and some are challenging, like conquering Kilimanjaro, but every (good) show enriches our personality in its own way

* Just as after a trip, the impressions after a performance remain deep in us for a long time

* The theatre, like travel, is about getting out of the routine and comfort zone, and that requires courage

* Like travel, theatre is a place of exchange

* Like travel, theatre encourages creativity, imagination, presence

* Like travel, theatre is empowering

by Milena Depolo

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