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We're facing many challenges in our goal to stand for young people and children’s access to art such as: improving participation, supporting national centers and professional networks, and promoting inclusion. I consider myself fortunate to have been elected to be part of the Executive Committee which is responsible for implementing the work plan approved by the Assembly. It is a significant responsibility to represent a great number of centres and networks, as well as numerous individuals and projects, however, I look around and I see a great team to walk this path with.

Gonzalo Moreno, Member of the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ International

I’ve always believed that art has the power to transform individuals and societies. In 2015, when I began working as a cultural manager at ASSITEJ, I witnessed the impact that the performing arts have on young people. Then, I realised how powerful art could be in achieving social change. It was at that moment that I decided to be more engaged with ASSITEJ and joined the Board of Directors, motivated by the desire to contribute actively to amplify this impact at a larger scale. Today, nine years later, I believe our mission is becoming more important and necessary every day.

A new period has started for ASSITEJ after the ASSITEJ World Congress which took place in Cuba in May 2024.

We’re facing many challenges in our goal to stand for young people and children’s access to art such as: improving participation, supporting national centers and professional networks, and promoting inclusion. I consider myself fortunate to have been elected to be part of the Executive Committee which is responsible for implementing the work plan approved by the Assembly. It is a significant responsibility to represent a great number of centres and networks, as well as numerous individuals and projects, however, I look around and I see a great team to walk this path with.

In a few days, we’re having the first onsite meeting of the Executive Committee after the Congress in Cuba. I am both nervous and excited. I have so much to learn, and I hope I can also contribute significantly. Learning and working together, questioning, and understanding the differences of a vast and diverse world, are the best opportunities that ASSITEJ offers, which are also great strengths. Personally, I would like us to achieve greater participation during this period, both for adults and for children and young people, as well as improve communication so that everyone—professionals, entities, and administrations—recognizes the importance of our mission. It’s strategic and vital to work for children and young people’s access to art, and ASSITEJ plays a key role in building this world together.

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