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“Region” is all about what we share. “Region” is also about identity. But most importantly, “region” is the strength we gain by being together. “Region” will also play an important role in the work of our Association in the years to come. As it was announced in Havana, each three-year cycle will consist of a World Congress and only one Artistic Gathering instead of two. This will give ASSITEJ the opportunity to work more on regional development, with more details being announced in the months to come. I strongly believe that this regional focus will enable National Centres and Networks to build strong collaborations and projects, which may in turn lead to wider collaborations on a global level.

Stavros Stavrou, EC Member of ASSITEJ International

It was the first day of the World Congress in Cuba when I was walking towards the venue of the Small Countries Network event, accompanied by one of the Congress’ amazing volunteers. “This is my old school”, he told me enthusiastically, pointing at a small, old building on the street side. “Let’s go inside”, he added in Spanish.

A few moments later, we were greeted by a smiling lady, who I realized was the school’s Director, as well as by a dozen children in uniform, who dropped their pencils on the desk, excited to introduce themselves to us. Looking back, I think it was that moment that made me realize the importance of holding the Congress in a country like Cuba. I keep in memory the kindness of the Director, and the enthusiasm of the volunteer, but above all I keep the excitement of those children and the shining smiles on their faces. They are indeed the “voices of a new world”, a world which is often unfair and harsh; a world -however- which at the same time is colourful and vibrant. These children -in many cases coping in very difficult conditions- keep reminding us that the right of every child to education and culture should not be taken for granted.

These children also represent their region; a region which -until my trip to Cuba- I had little interaction with. I really admired the passion of the Cuban people and their determination to make the Congress a success. I also admired their pride in their country and their enthusiasm for welcoming the whole ASSITEJ community to Havana. Above all, however, I feel that I have returned home not only having met Cuba and its culture; but also, the whole of the South American region. We certainly owe this to the South American delegates and artists, the music and the food, but also to the passion and creativity of the Ibero-American Network.

This focus on “region” was probably my main takeaway from the ASSITEJ World Congress in Cuba and the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering in Serbia. “Region” is all about what we share. “Region” is also about identity. But most importantly, “region” is the strength we gain by being together. “Region” will also play an important role in the work of our Association in the years to come. As it was announced in Havana, each three-year cycle will consist of a World Congress and only one Artistic Gathering instead of two. This will give ASSITEJ the opportunity to work more on regional development, with more details to share once we have learned whether we are successful in the next EU Network application. I strongly believe that a regional focus will enable National Centres and Networks to build strong collaborations and projects, which may in turn lead to wider collaborations on a global level.

The ASSITEJ World Congress in Cuba also holds a special place in my heart because of my election to the Executive Committee. I am sure that this is the case for all the newly elected members of the Committee, but also for our amazing colleagues who were re-elected in May. The regional development programme is only a small part of all the ambitious plans that this great Association has for the years to come. I am sure that the next three years will have in store many beautiful moments, but also some difficult ones. During these difficult moments, let’s all remember that in a small, old school somewhere, there will always be a dozen children who will drop their pencils on the desks, ready to meet the beauty of this world….

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