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The mission of ASSITEJ is to work for the rights of all children and young people toward enrichment through the arts. Theatre and the performing arts respects its young audiences by presenting their hopes, dreams, and fears; it develops and deepens experience, intelligence, emotion, and imagination; it inspires ethical choices; it increases awareness of social relationships; it encourages self-esteem, tolerance, confidence, and the free expression of opinions.

This is the mandate given in our Constitution. This is our competence. This is where we can make a difference to children and young people together with the thousands of artists around the world in our membership.

The Constitution of ASSITEJ tells us that we will “support no action that intentionally harms children physically, sexually, emotionally, psychologically or culturally in any context.” In the last four weeks, children and young people have suffered and died in Israel and Gaza. Some of our members are witnessing this first-hand and have relatives and friends who have lost their lives.

We take the side of children and urgently appeal for all actions that are harming children and their families to stop. We appeal for the release of all hostages and beg for a dialogue toward peace.

The power we have as a global community of artists in the present moment is in our art – a power we can use to heal and to hold and remind us all of the need for empathy, compassion, humanity.

-The Executive Committee of ASSITEJ International


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