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Within the activities of the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival of Performing Arts to be held in Havana, Cuba, we wish to give space to puppet theatre, so El Arca, Teatro-Museo de Títeres, ASSITEJ Cuba, UNIMA Cuba and ASSITEJ International are launching two calls, one for workshops and one for an exhibition. Those interested must respond to the call as soon as possible. Proposals will be evaluated, and letters of invitation will be sent to those selected to participate.

Deadline: The calls will close once the capacity has been filled.




Puppet theatre has always been linked to theatre for children and young people in its purely artistic, pedagogical and even therapeutic aspects. We are sure that many of the participating groups in the ASSITEJ World Congress have unique knowledge and experiences that they will want to share. That is why El Arca, Teatro-Museo de Títeres, offers its house, premises and tools for creators who wish to give workshops related to puppet theatre for all ages. Workshops can be for children, adults or students and may explore any aspect of puppetry including design, construction, animation, dramaturgy or other specialties.

Those interested should send us a brief description of the activity, material needs, target age group and maximum number of participants.

Given that we have a National School of Puppetry and Children’s Theatre, it is of great interest to us that some of the workshops are aimed at our students, all aged between 14 and 20. For them it will be an invaluable opportunity and a unique experience which will broaden their knowledge and introduce them to other aesthetics.  We look forward to and welcome your proposals.



Puppets can not only tell stories through performance. Without even moving they can tell the story of a people, an art form, a tradition or ritual, whether ancient or modern. Their materials, their workmanship, their features, the hands that made them, the place and time where they were born – all speak. That is why there are puppet museums devoted to caring for these fragile yet powerful creatures. This is the reason for the existence of our Museum El Arca, sponsored by the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana and the Directorate of Cultural Heritage. Our doors are open to all those attending the ASSITEJ World Congress who wish to bring a piece to be part of a collective exhibition that will be unique to this event. Puppets representative of your country’s craft and tradition, with identifying characteristics of a nation, will be especially welcome. It doesn’t matter if they are in bad condition – their wounds are part of the story they want to tell us and our team of restorers will take care of them. Puppets that, due to the relentless passage of time can no longer appear on the stage, will continue to converse with us from their display cabinets. Those wishing to take part in this project should send us a photo of the piece, its measurements in height x width x length and a brief description of its provenance and significance.


Thank you and we look forward to seeing your proposals!


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