ASSITEJ – Upholding The Rights Of The Child
ASSITEJ International upholds the rights of the child and defends young people’s place as contributors, cultural actors, and valued members of society.
We acknowledge that because of our audience, our work intersects with education, with families and their welfare, with justice, and with community well-being. It is tied strongly to resilience and the development of confidence, to the inspiration of hope and imagination. We cannot stand by in silence when we witness the actions, the policies, and the conflicts that impact strongly on the rights and hopes of children and young people.
ASSITEJ International rejects the adoption of violent conflict and recognises the appalling impact of such actions on children and their lives. We know that many of our members are dealing first hand with the results of violence and we support and applaud artists everywhere who provide tools for expression through art and who are working to maintain hope where it is most under threat.