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Much of the achievements you will observe during the Cradle of Creativity are made possible because of relationships and trust developed over a long period of time. We need to intentionally cultivate more of such in our personal and professional relationships and develop collaborations that are genuine and sustainable.

Pamela Udoka, Vice President of ASSITEJ International

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb*

*The above quoted African proverb is not credited to any author; rather, it is a communal property. It emphasizes the importance of teamwork in achieving long term success and progress.

It is with the utmost sense of excitement that I write this month’s opener in the realization that there will be an ASSITEJ Executive Committee meeting at a significant artistic gathering on African soil. The third in the almost sixty years history of ASSITEJ International. The last time we gathered in Africa was in 2017 for the ASSITEJ International World Congress and maiden edition of the Cradle of Creativity in Cape Town, and before that, an EC meeting at the FATEJ festival in Cameroon. For this second Cradle of Creativity in Johannesburg, South Africa, members of ASSITEJ National Centres in Africa are still battling with issues surrounding the funding for the Arts across the continent, and sadly might not be able to make it. However, rest assured that everyone who desires to be at this gathering in person and cannot, will be here with us in spirit and others of course able to join us virtually.

As well as the major concern we have with arts, we still grapple with the issue of travel visa denials. Countries must look into this to help Africans and other member-countries of the ASSITEJ Community affected, to review such policies that tend to disunite us. Kenya has announced a no-visa requirement for all visitors into their country. We hope other countries in the world will follow suit. The barriers of lack of trust have to be dismantled to build bridges of love and connectivity. Physical meetings and live connections make us stronger. Sharing the African hugs, joy, love, loud laughter and experience of camaraderie are part of what we should look forward to while on African soil.

The theme of this year’s Cradle of Creativity is “The Stories That Move Us”. Love, trust and the indomitable spirit of our humanity in these stories move us; friendships and collaborations in these stories, move us. It is hoped that Cradle of Creativity will move audiences physically and emotionally through face to face connections to relive their stories.

Many of the achievements you will observe during the festival are made possible because of relationships and trust developed over a long period of time. We need to intentionally cultivate more of such in our personal and professional relationships and develop collaborations that are genuine and sustainable.

I want to encourage those who are yet to make up their minds to be physically present at the Cradle of Creativity, to please make the decision to be there. Those who feel marginalized are invited to have the opportunity to connect with us in person. This might mean overcoming huge challenges, but it is worth the trial. So, make it happen. Let us connect once again as the ASSITEJ Family that we are.

On behalf of Mother Africa, I personally welcome you to Africa, the Mother Continent, the cradle of humanity. Welcome home and enjoy the warmth of our love and hospitality.

Pamela Udoka

President, ASSITEJ Nigeria; Vice President, ASSITEJ International

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