Havana, Cuba
24 May – 1 June 2024
Voices of a New World: Legacy and Innovation in TYA
ITYARN, the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network, is calling for proposals for the ITYARN event at the 21st ASSITEJ International World Congress & Performing Arts Festival for Children & Young People in Havana, Cuba, May 24th to June 1st, 2024. The overall theme of the Congress and Festival is “Voices of a New World”.
ITYARN aims to advance critical inquiry in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) through the exchange and discussion of papers from scholars in and outside of the field of TYA. We intend to bridge the gap in scholarship between theatre for young people and theatre for adults, and between theory and practice, by discussing the field of TYA from multiple historiographical and theoretical perspectives related to the practice and the shifting material circumstances (social, cultural, economic, ideological, and political) under which TYA is generated and perceived.
The ITYARN Conference will take place over the course of one day during the Congress (date to be confirmed). The conference will consist of a keynote and a plenary session in the morning, followed by 2-4 working groups in the afternoon. Papers should focus on the theme of the conference: Voices of a New World: Legacy and Innovation in TYA. Papers may take a variety of perspectives, such as history and cultural contexts, intangible cultural heritage, decolonisation, media, aesthetics and art forms, social interventions through art, psychology, theoretical concepts of child and childhood, social and economic conditions, sustainability, race and ethnicity, gender, accessibility, ability, and sexual orientation. The languages of the conference are English, Spanish, and/or Portuguese. The morning session will be simultaneously translated, the afternoon workshops will be in either Spanish /Portuguese, or English.
Contributors with access needs are encouraged to apply and are asked to indicate their needs in the application form. After the selection, the organisers will communicate with relevant applicants to support their participation within the economic capabilities.
How To Apply?
Researchers should submit a 500-word proposal, sample bibliography, and 150-word biography in English, Spanish or Portuguese by email in MSWord.doc or MSWord.docx. Proposals should include name, affiliation, and email address in the upper left corner. For more information on ITYARN and to join the network go to ityarn.org
Select papers will be considered for publication in the Ti-Uai-Ei Journal (UNIRIO, ASSITEJ Brazil project), published in 3 languages (the language of the author).
Please email proposals to ityarncuba@gmail.com
The deadline for applications of the call for papers is 25 October 2023
Proposals will be peer reviewed by the ITYARN board and notifications of decisions will go out by 20 November 2023.
Questions related to the application can be sent to Paulo Merisio at merisio1965@yahoo.com.br, with the subject: Ityarn 2024 – question.