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Theatre for young audiences in the small states of Europe invites you to attend “It’s a small world” on Monday 19th 19:00 CEST via Zoom!

After the big success it had last year, the ASSITEJ Small Countries Network presents the second edition of its online event “It’s a small world”. During the event, the Network’s members will present their activities during the past year, as well as their plans for the future. An open discussion on theatre for young audiences in the small countries of Europe will follow, in which the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions.

The event will take place on Monday 19 September 2022 at 19:00 CEST via Zoom and will be moderated by Selloane Mokuku, member of the ASSITEJ International Executive Committee.

Members of the ASSITEJ family all over the world are welcome to attend! 

Registration is required:

The ASSITEJ Small Countries Network was founded last year, with the aim of bringing together the small states of the ASSITEJ family, which share similar challenges, as well as opportunities.

The Network’s members are:


ASSITEJ Luxembourg

ASSITEJ Liechtenstein


Bradipoteatar – San Marino

ZiguZajg Festival – Malta 

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