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Former Secretary General of ASSITEJ International Michael Ramløse has passed away (1949-2022)

ASSITEJ and the global performing arts community has lost a generous, thoughtful and extraordinary dedicated man of theatre. 

His contribution to the world of theatre for children and young people and to ASSITEJ as an international organisation, has been very important.

He was elected as the first new Secretary General of ASSITEJ after Mme. Rose-Marie Moudoués and served for two terms as Secretary General (1990-96).

His new approach to the administration of ASSITEJ International improved administrative practices and procedures, improved communication among centers, implemented a new subscription system and made significant progress in the globalization of ASSITEJ away from the European/North American association it was before.

Leader of Danish TYA

In a Danish context his contribution has been even greater.

He started as a member of BANDEN, a theatre company for children, from 1976-1984, and later he became head of TEATERCENTRUM from 1987-1996, the organizer of the large annual Danish Children’s Theatre Festival in April. From this position and as chair of the Danish Children’s Theatre Association (BTS) he created a series of significant initiatives and policy changes in Danish TYA.

Michael during his time at Teater Fair Play

Among them the creation of Regional Theatres in Denmark (Egnsteatre), a centre for further education of TYA practitioners (Odsherred Teatercenter) and the administration of the Danish reimbursement system supporting touring theatre.

He was also a keyperson in re-organizing the Danish ASSITEJ Center in 1983. This lead to a significant internationalization of Danish companies and festivals, and an engagement in global TYA that is still continued with the current secretariat of ASSITEJ placed in Copenhagen.

After his time in TEATERCETRUM he became the administrative director of Tetater FAIR PLAY 1997-2017. During these years he also director the international children’s theatre festival CARAVANEN and played a central role in creating the 17th ASSITEJ World Congress in Copenhagen & Malmoe as Chair of the Executive Board.

Michael did not only contribute to the organizational life of TYA, but he also lived and worked as a playwright (he wrote 40 TYA scripts), musician, composer and translator (From Russian and German). He was a true ‘Jack of all Trades’.

Rest in peace, Michael. You will be greatly missed.

The funeral of Michael will take place Saturday 22 Jan. Colleagues and friends of Michael are welcome to send a few words to Louis Valente if they wish to have them shared a the informal reception after the funeral. Please send them to

Image: Michale Ramløse receives the Karl Mantzius Award during Aprilfestival 2021. Photo by Søren Kløft.

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