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Twenty-five years ago (+ 1 COVID year), a new festival was born, under the name OORSMEER.
The world of music opened its doors to the young public, the curious came in droves to the Vooruit in Ghent (BE).
It looked like the beginning of a joyous revolution that would shatter the very notion of a festival.
From day 1, it became a festival that shuns every genre label, takes the audience on an adventure and rewards them with a party.
A Portuguese newspaper headlined “BIG BANG takes children serious and makes adults more playful’. 

Since 2010 the festival network kept on growing (with the great support of Creative Europe)
and the BIG BANG Festival has now spread to 17 European and Canadian cities.
This year, it is back for a special anniversary edition and a new page in its rich musical history.
The BIG BANG festival exists for and with children, for young and old alike. 

The BIG BANG festival is a project of Zonzo Compagnie (BE) in collaboration with:

More information and festival dates:

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