Each three years cycle of ASSITEJ is structured around a Dramaturgy. The Executive Committee have been exploring the many elements that pull together and need consideration to build this narrative. There have been rich conversations about experiences of the last cycle and what is needed as we continue to grow through our varied experiences of the pandemic.
In a session generating dramaturgy ideas, the brilliant Tatiana Bobrova offered ‘superpowers’ as an idea to play with – what are our (ASSITEJ’s) superpowers? What do they achieve? Who benefits from them? What are we missing? It generated a lot of thinking, and fun discussion.
Through the pandemic, we have been able to develop the superpower of connectedness. Conversations, meetings, and gatherings have supported people to feel less isolated. But have also highlighted the differences and needs in how we connect with technology, within each cultural context, with creating access for disabled people and being inclusive (in the expansive meaning of the word), and with varying economies. The past 18 months have created a wealth of new learning to build upon. As an EC we decided that Regenerating is an important way to think actively about the changes ahead.
Moving quickly towards the Bibu hosted Artistic Gathering of 2022, the festival asks to ‘leave no one behind’. This connects strongly with the first year of our dramaturgy, ‘Handle with Care’. As we progress through the next three years, it is with strength in solidarity across borders, political lines, and financial barriers. It is with the space to stop and listen with intent equally to those next to us as those across the world. And, it is through helping the re-growth that is starting to glimmer through across the globe.