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VIII ASSITEJ-Spain Program of Dramatized Readings. 

ASSITEJ-Spain celebrated the VIII Program of Dramatized Readings, last February. Once again, the theatrical readings came back to the Auditorium of Casa del Lector in Matadero Madrid. This year, in addition, our readings also travelled to Pamplona, to the Navarra School of Theater. 

The reading of the plays becomes a unique and quality experience for children and young audiences, promoting reading among the youngest and making known the literary quality of the theatrical texts. The readings were accompanied by the projection of images, specially designed for each of them, that, as a digital scenography, it frames and energizes the dramatization, placing the activity halfway between a reading and a theatrical production.

After the reading, a meeting with the company and/or the author was proposed, in which children and young people could exchange their doubts and impressions with the artists. Also we sent copies of the plays to the schools so that teachers could work with their students on reading and discover the expressive capacities of reading drama.

VIII Ciclo de lecturas dramatizadas ASSITEJ

ASSITEJ-Spain represented the sector at the INAEM roundtable about European funding.

On February 1st, the spanish National Institute of Performing Arts (INAEM) summoned a meeting for the analysis of the 2021 European funds in the field of performing and musical arts. ASSITEJ-Spain participated, together with different representative organisations of the sector. After the meeting, our Board of Directors sent proposals for the development of the performing arts sector, with special attention to children and young audiences and the professionals who work with them.

ASSITEJ-Spain partner’s meeting on: “Creation residencies”

The purpose of this meeting, led by Enric Blasi (Baldufa Teatre), was to think collectively on what we mean by “creation residencies”, how necessary they are for the sector’s situation, and what possibilities do we have to extend this model in our country?

 ASSITEJ-Spain initiatives related to the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People on 20th March:

ASSITEJ-Spain created a website ( to gather together all the communication materials for the World Day and a cultural agenda where all companies, theatres, groups and other professionals can upload their programme for the month of March and thus make visible the richness and diversity of the performing arts aimed at children and young people. 

We are calling people to celebrate this day in the most creative and imaginative way and to share the message through the social media with the hashtag #takeachildtotheatre in all our co-offical languages. Administrations, institutions and professionals are invited to create videos to show the importance of children and young people experience of the performing arts.

Also, all professional associations are invited to join in a collective video, which will be edited by us.

In addition, a poster competition has been launched for the educational community in which primary and secondary school students can participate by submitting their vision of what it means for them to go to the theatre. Participation is also through social networks under the hashtag #yovoyalteatro.

We invite theatres, venues, and other programming spaces to offer “suspended tickets” so that during the month of March all spectators attending shows can buy tickets that will be donated on 20 March to children at risk of social exclusion. 

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