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Fifth International encounter of arts for early childhood

Petit als Nuvols, the virtual edition of El més petit de tots

This year, El més petit de tots, festival of performing arts dedicated to early childhood, is going up in the cloud. The festival is opening a digital space called Petit als núvols (Petit in the Clouds), where you can find online proposals for families, teachers, artists and professionals in the early childhood arts.

In Petit als núvols three artistic experiences will be programmed, created exclusively in virtual format so that families can enjoy them from home. Moreover, this year the 5th International Meeting of Arts for Early Childhood also flies to the clouds and from there it will offer professionals in the performing arts debate and reflection.

From 4th November, registration is open in the virtual space, a place from which to continue working on future international collaborations and exchanges.

More details on the festival’s website

Open to artists, producers, programmers, families and teachers from 14 – 29 November.

El més petit offers a broad and comprehensive look on where we are heading internationally in the world of shows for early ages.

This year’s edition will be online with conferences, networking and debates

The conferences of the V International Meeting of Arts for Early Childhood are accessible with the codes linked to the registration / purchase of::


The lectures will be available online for all registered participants from November 14th.

  • Children are natural artists in environments of encounterLecturer: Doctor Penny Hay (Great Britain)
    Artist, educator and researcher at Bath Spa University
  • Curiosity and disruption
    Lecturer: Thomas Eisenhardt (Denmark)
    Artistic director at company Abbendans
  • Art, família i confinament: l’art com a vincle en un context penitenciari (Art, familiy and confinement: Art as a bond in penitentiary centers)
    Art projects in the Catalan prisons of Brians II and Wad-Ras
    Lecturers: Ángela Peinado (art therapist); Teresa Rojas (sculptor and engraver); Núria Pujol (social worker); Helena Cabo (artist and educator) and Eva Vázquez (multidisciplinary visual artist)  – (Catalonia – Spain)
  • Facing the change
    A conversation with Andrea Gronemeyer, Executive Director of the Schauburg Theater für Junges Publikum (Theater for Young Audiences), Munich (Germany)
  • One little step – every time!
    Lecturers: Krishnakumar Balasubramanian i Aysha Rau (India)
    The Little Theatre (Chennai)
  • La Santé Culturelle: L’éveil culturel et artistique dans le lien parents enfant (Cultural Health: Cultural and Artistic Awareness in Parent-Child Relationships)
    Lecturer: Sophie Marinopoulos, psychologist and psychoanalyst specialized in family and childhood therapy

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