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As theatres are slowly re-opening in Germany and we are all experimenting with new possibilities, several festivals are programmed for next year already. They will be important forums for everyone to experience and discuss what is happening in TYA in Germany.

Here are some dates to note in your 2021 calendar:

Purple International Festival of Dance for Young Audiences
16 – 24 January 2021

Starke Stücke International TYA Festival in Frankfurt and its surrounding area 4 – 15 March 2021

KUSS TYA Festival
12 – 21 March 2021 in Marburg

Augenblick mal!
National Biennial of Performing Arts for Young Audiences
16 – 21 April 2021 in Berlin

Westwind TYA Festival

21 May 2021 in Cologne

Schöne Aussicht / Bright View International TYA Festival
6 – 13 June 2021 in Stuttgart

Theater der Welt / Theatre of the World
(incl. Young Programm, Youth Congress and Equity Forum on Fair Cooperation)
17.June – 4.July 2021 in Duesseldorf

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