During the last General Assembly, the members of ASSITEJ Spain decided by vote to renew 50% of the members of the Board of Directors. According to the statutes of ASSITEJ Spain, the Board of Directors will renew 50% of its members every 2 years.
The vote was conducted telematically and on-site and has resulted in the election of the following members: Eulàlia Ribera, Lola Fernández de Sevilla, Gonzalo Moreno, Omar Meza and Jana Pacheco. These five names are in addition to the four who were already in office after the last elections: Marta Torres, Companyia Comediants La Baldufa, Raquel Berini and Javier Hernando.
Therefore, the new Board of Directors is constituted with the following members and positions:
– Eulàlia Ribera, President – Marta Torres, 1st Vice President – Lola Fernández de Sevilla, 2nd Vice President – Gonzalo Moreno, General Secretary – Raquel Berini, Treasurer – Omar Meza, Member – Companyia Comediants La Baldufa, Member – Javier Hernando, Member – Jana Pacheco, Member

In addition, during the General Assembly, the minutes of the previous year’s annual General Assembly were ratified, the report on activities for 2019 was approved and the projects and budgets for 2020 were approved too.