Once again, ASSITEJ Spain has presented its annual awards in recognition of the work of various professionals in the field of performing arts for children and young people. On this occasion the winners were the researcher Hugo Salcedo and the company La Rous. Both received this recognition during the celebration of FETEN, the European Fair of Performing Arts for Children.

The playwright and researcher Hugo Salcedo was awarded the Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Young People Juan Cervera by Lola Fernández de Sevilla, the predecessor of the award. In an emotional speech, he pointed out the importance of this recognition when it comes to giving visibility to a problem such as immigration in children, a subject he reflects on in his winning play: La migración en el teatro para niños y jóvenes de México. Contexto, estrategias y recursos dramáticos (Migration in theatre for children and young people in Mexico. Dramatic context, strategies and resources).
Then, the creator Rosa Díaz, La Rous Teatro, received from the hands of the playwright Itziar Pascual the National Award ASSITEJ Spain 2019. Pascual reviewed with great affection the trajectory of La Rous, who also celebrated this year her 40 years dedicated to the theatrical profession with a complete homage exhibition organized by FETEN. Rosa Díaz did not hide her emotion and gratitude for having been chosen by the members of ASSITEJ as a worthy winner of the award.