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One more year, ASSITEJ Spain has celebrated the ASSITEJ Dramatic Reading Cycle. Children from different schools attended to the Casa del Lector in Madrid from 13th to 15th January to enjoy the dramatised readings organised by ASSITEJ Spain.

In this edition, six performances of three plays have been made: El estómago de la ballena (The Stomach of the Whale) by Luis Fernando de Julián, performed by the Escuela Teatro Arbolé, Tres Hermanitas (Three Little Sisters) by Suzanne Lebeau, performed by the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Madrid and Misterios (Mysteries) by Paula Carballeira, performed by the Escuela de Teatro La Manada.

In addition to the performing of the actors, the students have enjoyed a digital scenography that frames and energizes the dramatization. At the end of each session, the students have shared their doubts and impressions with the company and the author of the dramaturgy.

Nearly a thousand students have attended this unique and quality experience, in which kids have had first-hand contact with the performing arts and dramaturgy. With the Dramatized Readings, ASSITEJ Spain wants to promote reading among children and young people and to make public the important editorial and defence work of children's theatre that ASSITEJ Spain carries out.

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