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⏰ Deadline: 30 April 2019
🌍 Harare, ZWE
🗓 16 – 18 August 2019

Open call for professional dance productions for the Mafuwe International Festival of Dance

The 3 day international dance festival Mafuwe International Festival of Dance is set to bring together to Harare various dancers and performances from the continent and the world over. This is going to be the first time in Zimbabwean history, an all international dance festival is being hosted.The festival team envisions a colorful event!! One that the human bodies will tell various artistic stories, provoke & inspire through dance.

The festival provides tailor made and designed stages, workshops and residencies. It aims for professional artistic exchange, but also includes opportunities for artists of all levels – semi-professionals and amateurs.
Workshops, panel discussions and networking events will spice up the festival and make it a vivid event full of energy and the celebration of the power dance has.

The festival is looking for professional dance productions from African countries as well as performances by African dancers/choreographers living in other continents and other international productions focusing on diversity and intercultural understanding. They are very curious about interdisciplinary works and works that intermediate different dance forms (classical, contemporary, urban, traditional etc.). The programme will include dance for young audiences. Read the full call here!

How to Apply

Fill out the application form before April 30th 2019:

Application form

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