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🗓 25 January 2019

ITYARN, the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network, is calling for proposals for the ITYARN events (September 2-5, 2019) taking place at the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering (AAG) September 2-7, 2019 in Kristiansand, Norway. The overall theme of the AAG is Towards the Unknown: Confronting the Present.

This network aims to advance critical inquiry in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) through the exchange and discussion of papers from scholars in and outside of the field of TYA. We intend to bridge the gap in scholarship between theatre for young people and theatre for adults, and between theory and practice, by discussing the field of TYA from multiple historiographical and theoretical perspectives related to the practice and the shifting material circumstances (social, cultural, economic, ideological and political) under which TYA is generated and perceived. Read more on ITYARN here.

ITYARN will organize 4 panels of 4 scholar/practitioners each, taking place over the course of 4 days (M-Th. September 2-5). Papers could explore the theme Confronting the Present: (Re)presenting Childhood from a variety of perspectives, such as cultural contexts, media, aesthetics and art forms, social interventions through art, psychology, theoretical concepts of child and childhood, social and economic conditions, race and ethnicity, gender, ability, and sexual orientation.


Researchers should submit a 500 word proposal and sample bibliography by email in MSWord.doc or MSWord.docx before Jan. 25th 2019. Proposals should include name, affiliation, and email address in the upper left corner. Proposals will be peer reviewed by the ITYARN board in February 2019. Notifications will go out March 2019.

Click here to send in your paper proposal!

Deadline for proposals is January 25 2019. Contributors will be notified medio March 2019.

Questions and submissions:

Read the call for papers in .pdf here

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