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ASSITEJ Côte d’Ivoire is supporting the “School and Culture” project

The “School and Culture” project aims to contribute to the healthy animation of schools and to strengthen the artistic and cultural practice of young students. It involves, on the one hand, offering a package of live performances by professional companies and troupes and on the other hand, animating workshops on Theatre, Music, Dance, Storytelling, Poetry, Slam and Humour throughout the school year.

“School and culture was initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Francophonie, managed by the National Centre for Arts and Culture (CNAC) in collaboration with the Direction de la Vie Scolaire (DVS) of the Ministry of National Education, Technical Education and Professional Training in Côte d’Ivoire.

Civic and Citizenship Awareness Tour in Bondoukou

As part of its activities, and taking into account the upcoming elections to be held in an environment of peace and stability, the Secretariat of State for Civic Service, in partnership with CRESAS and ASSITEJ Côte d’Ivoire, is organizing a tour to raise public awareness of civic responsibility and citizenship.
The objective of ASSITEJ Côte d’Ivoire in this tour is to raise awareness and inform children and young people through theatre of the actions carried out with a view to the appropriation of civic and citizen values for the advent of a peaceful social environment.

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