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SOY FESTIVAL is a multidisciplinary event for the family, with focus in Performing Arts for Children and Young People. It will take place in Buenos Aires City in the thematic park Tecnópolis from February 15th to March 3rd 2018. There will be presented several performances every day from 18 to 24 o'clock. SOY FESTIVAL is organized by the Public Contents Secretary depending on the Media and Public Contents Ministry, Argentine Republic. The program includes 6 international companies and 12 national companies from Buenos Aires and provinces. There will be artistic workshops for children, music shows for the family, 80s and 90s films and the exhibition “Darwin, the original” by La Villette (Paris) about Darwin travels and theories. Suzanne Lebeau will coordinate a playwriting workshop devoted to authors and directors.

The admission to all activities is free. 


The aim of the Festival is: 

  • Artistic excellence in small and big performances (from unipersonal “El intrépido viaje…” to “Carrilló” 

  • Non usual dramaturgy in Buenos Aires: adoption, jealousy, death, sexual identity (“Malas palabras”; “Gretel y Hansel”; “Sobre la cuerda floja”; “Podés silbar”; “ El pato y la muerte”; “Tengo una muñeca en el ropero”) 

  • Diversity and performing arts mix (“Mantay Grillo”; “Sobre la cuerda floja” “ Alicia, país de ensueño”) 

  • Technology and art (“Sobre la cuerda floja”; “Alicia país de ensueño”) 

  • Productions at state theatres (“Saltimbanquis”;  “Cyrano de más acá”) 

  • Provinces productions (“Podés silbar”; “ Lo que esconden los sombreros”; “Cosas de payasas”) 

  • Leading tendences in international productions. 

  • Proposals for babies and adolescents, no much developed in Argentina. 

  • A platform for exchange and projection to other scenaries inside the country and abroad. 

  • An event in the border of the city, in the off, with a potential audience of children and families that are not used to go to the theatre. 





 Le Carrousel, Québec, Canada: "Gretel y Hansel", by Suzanne Lebeau, directed by Gervais Gaudreault 



Compañía Mafalda, Zurich, Switzerland: "Zick Zack Puff", choreography by Teresa Rottemberg 



Compañía Onírica Mecánica, Murcia, Spain: "El intrépido viaje de un hombre y un pez", object theatre, by Jesús Nieto 



Compañia La Tal, Barcelona, Spain: "Carrilló", open air performance 



Teatr  Baj, Warsaw, Poland: "El Pato y la Muerte", by Wolf Erlbruch, directed by Marcin Jarnuszkiewicz, tabletop puppetry



Compañía El Teatro y su Doble, Santiago de Chile, Chile: "Sobre la cuerda floja", by  Mike Kenny, directed by Alina Kuppenheim and Paola Giannini, puppetry and stop animation 




Atacados por el Arte, Neuquén, Neuquén: "¿Podés silbar?", by Ulf Stark, directed by Jorge Onofri, puppetry 



Grupo Ton y Son, Posadas, Misiones: "Cosas de Payasas", by Claudio Martínez Bel and Carlos Gianni, directed by Claudio Martinez Bell and Claudia Vargas 



Marabunta Teatro, Mendoza, Mendoza: "Lo que esconden los sombreros", by Gabriela Garro   



La Galera Encantada, Buenos Aires: "Malas palabras", by Perla Szuchmacher, directed by Héctor Presa  



"Saltimbanquis", Buenos Aires, musical by Sergio Bardotti and Luis Bacalov, directed  by Pablo Gorlero 



"Mantay Griillo", Buenos Aires, puppetry and dance, directed by Ramiro Soñez and Carlos Peláez 



"Mundodanza", Buenos Aires, choreography by Laura Falcoff, music by Nicolás Villamil 



"Alicia, ensueño de maravillas", Buenos Aires, shadow theatre and acrobacy, directed by Alejandro Bustos 



"Cyrano de más acá", Buenos Aires, directed by Emilio Dionisi 



Innovacirco, Buenos Aires: "Celebration", circus show. 



"Un día grande", Buenos Aires, directed by Julián Krakov  


Grupo de Teatro Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires: "Tengo una muñeca en el ropero", by María Inés Falconi, directed by Carlos de Urquiza, for young people 



Compañía Verdever, Buenos Aires: "Flotante", by Azul Borenstein y Natalia Chami, theatre for babies  




Gabriela Ricardes, Secretary of State for Public Contents

Alejandra Cuevas, National Director of Thematic Parks

Juan Garff,  festival programmer for performing arts


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