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The Editors of Write Local. Play Global. have decided to extend the deadline for the new ASSITEJ Inspirational Playwrights award until November 30, 2016.

If you already know about it, and just missed the deadline, the information is at

If you do not know about this brand-new initiative, it was created by Write Local Play Global in partnership with the ASSITEJ Executive Committee.  Highlighting the importance of playwriting in all its manifestations around the world, ASSITEJ will honor up to three persons as “ASSITEJ Inspirational Playwrights” every three years at its World Congress, starting in Cape Town in May 2017.  The essence of our work is telling stories on our stages, and this award is created to honor particular writers who have inspired theatre for young audiences in their city, their country, their region, or all over the world.

Nominations are open to any ASSITEJ member – from a member of a national center, from a network member, or an individual member, and both the nominator and nominee would need to be members.  Additionally, if the playwright is not currently a member of WLPG, he or she will need to join.

The nomination process is comparatively simple and detailed at the above link.  The heart of the nomination is the ‘story’ of how this particular playwright has been inspirational  – and this could be very particular and individual, including, but no limited to:

  • Writing a play or plays innovative in content and/or form that help transform TYA in their country
  • Serving as a mentor and role model to other writers
  • Writing politically or socially aware work that challenges entrenched tradition or power in their country or region
  • with their writing, encouraging audiences to see other people, the world and its events in a more profound and human way.

How has a particular writer been inspirational?  Inspiring other practitioners can occur at any stage of a writer’s career, and each story of inspiration is unique.  We want to hear those stories.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at this email address or the editors of WLPG at

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