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Through ASSITEJ, young and emerging artists and practitioners are able to travel abroad, some for the very 1st time, to meet other artists through the Next Generation Residency and Placement programs. Here are some testimonies from the worthwhile experience.

“Next Gen gave me the opportunity to absorb so much, to listen and learn as well as lead. I’ve returned to Dublin and I’m looking at my work through fresh filters. Not just my own practice, but also the practice of the artists and people I support, collaborate and work with. It’s only been a couple of weeks but already, I’m asking better questions. I’ve come home wanting more, which is always a good sign.” – Niamh Ní Chonchubhair, Ireland

“The very creation of this kind of space, for young people to participate and not only to observe, is the very example of what I think is the most rewarding about NGP – inclusion through learning and working.“- Sandra Nikac, Serbia

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