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One Step Beyond: Intercultural Exchange

The title of the 19th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival is the ‘Cradle of Creativity’, based in Africa for the first time in ASSITEJ history. Welcoming everyone back to the cradle of humanity, this event will profile Africa’s best in theatre for children and youth, alongside performances from other continents.

ASSITEJ was first created because of a desire for intercultural collaboration during the period of the cold war. In the 21st century, this desire for collaboration across borders, languages, ethnicities, and personal histories seems more urgent than ever.

This magazine calls for articles that

  • Develop and illustrate intercultural exchange, collaboration, social change, diversity, and transformation in TYA;
  • Examine connections between traditional/contemporary and local/global theatrical practices in TYA;
  • Discuss the merits and disadvantages of intercultural exchange with regards to globalization, artistry, power, cultural norms and values in TYA.

Articles should

  • Be between 500-700 words maximum and sent in Word and PDF (both), Times 12pt font.
  • Include a title and the name of the author at the top, and a 25 word bio of the author at the end.
  • All files should be named by last name of author and country.
  • Submissions should be in English and in the original language of the author.
  • Be accompanied by high quality photos in separate files from the article, TIFF preferred but JPEG is acceptable:
    • TIFF – size of the photo should not be less than 5 MB.
    • JPEG – Non compressed, 300 DPI – 14 x 21 cm (8 1/2 x 5 1/5 inches).
  • Photos should be credited with name of photographer, company, and play.

Deadline for submissions is OCTOBER 15, 2016.

We will inform you of the selection of your submition by December 15,

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