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The ITYARN Research Award is given to honor distinguished scholars who have contributed significantly to the development of theory and research in the field of theatre for young audiences. The nominee’s collective works can be theoretical, empirical, ethnographic, critical, historical, or other scholarly research in any area of drama/theatre for young people.

The focus of the award is flexible depending on the theme of each ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival.

This year’s focus is “Intercultural Exchange.”

1.- Any ITYARN member may submit a nomination for consideration.

2.- Those nominated must be individuals who, either working independently or in collaboration with others, have made significant contributions to the body of research in theatre for young audiences

3.- Those nominated must be recommended by the nominator and at least 2 established researchers (PhD or equivalent) through letters of support that highlight the nominee’s achievements

4.- The nomination should include a research CV of the nominee

5.- The nominee may or may not be aware of the nomination.

6.- All nominations will be held in confidence by the ITYARN Board. The nominators will be informed of the results by the ITYARN Chair.

7.- It is the responsibility of the ITYARN Chair to inform the recipient of the award. This will include the names of the individual who made the nomination and the recommenders. The recipient will be honored at the ASSITEJ Awards Ceremony

8.- All nomination materials must be submitted by the deadline.


Please send all materials in ONE PDF file to

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