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The first three-days workshop by ASSITEJ Italy dedicated to artist, promoters and administrators.

A mix of professionalism, experience, perspectives, to strengthen and nourish the most extensive Italian network of theater for the young audience.

5, 6, 7 September 2016


Leadded by:

Yutaka Takei – Marzia Santone – Giuliana Ciancia – Chiara Chiappa – Marco Palma

and more:

Faccia a faccia – Tavoli de Lavoro – Open Market Incontri – Assemblea plenaria – Assemblea dei Soci

Vuoi far parte di ASSITEJ Italia e partecipare a questo corso di formazione? Scrivi a oppure telefona a +39 320 0655472. Cercaci, siamo qui al Festival Visioni!

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