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4th. International Theatre for children and young people researchers and critics forum

This is an open call for papers to participate in the 4th. International TYA Critics and Researchers Forum that will take place in Buenos Aires City, Argentina from July 26-30, 2016.

The Theatre for Children and Young People Independent Practitioners Association (ATINA- Argentina), in collaboration with the Theatre Researchers and Critics Association (AINCRIT- Argentina), and the International Theatre for Young Audiences Researchers Network (ITYARN), organize the 4th. International Theatre for Children and Young People Researchers and Critics Forum, with the aim of encouraging the development of research in the International field of theatre for children and young people.

The goal of these Forums is to make a theoretical contribution to Theatre for Children and Young People practitioners, to promote the development of new trends as well as to encourage the integration of Ibero American researchers into the international network. During the meeting different theoretical frameworks on critical approaches will be proposed and the role of theory in practice and practice in theory will be discussed. The 4th FORUM expects to be a platform for exchange.

The topic of this 4th Forum will be: From Theatre for Babies to Theatre for Adolescents: Is there a Theatre for Every Age Group?


Buenos Aires City, Argentina.

DATE: 30th.July 2016.


The program includes conferences, paper presentations, plenary sessions, meetings, forums, round tables, workshops and debates.

ITYARN and AINCRIT members from International Universities as well as International TYA professionals will participate in the Forum Conferences and Panels.

International Researchers and Practitioners will participate in the papers readings.

During the Forum, participants and speakers will be able to attend to Argentinian Theatre for Children and Young People performances.


English – Spanish. Forums will be translated into both languages.


Students, professors, researchers, artists and teachers related with TYA can present their papers.

The Forum is open to general audience interested in TYA issues.


ATINA, representative of ASSITEJ International in Argentina, has developed an intense activity since its creation in 2002. With the aim of encouraging the development of theatre for children and young people in Argentina and to promote the exchange within the international field ATINA organizes national and international festivals, forums, workshops, and other special projects like its Theatre for Children and Young People Library.

AINCRIT (Theatre Researchers and Critics Association- Argentina) was founded in 2008 and develops an intense activity in the field of theatre critic and research all around the country. From the beginning, it was its aim to integrate theatre practice and theory, favoring the joint work among theoreticians, critics and theatre workers. Open to all theoretical position, with an interest in sharing with national and international twin institutions, with its activities AINCRIT renews the values that gave sense to its creation.

ITYARN, the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network, is the international research network of ASSITEJ International. ITYARN aims to further research on theatre for young audiences (TYA) in collaboration with the University of Adger (Norway), the University of Hildesheim (Germany), Arizona State University (USA), College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), the University of Ankara (Turkey), Korean National University of the Arts (Korea)

The International TYA Researchers and Critics Forum has received a mention by Theatre of the World Prizes from Buenos Aires University in 2010.

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