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In Israel a network promoting the presentation of plays through what is entitled a “cultural basket” is operated through the governmental agencies of the Ministry of Education.

The National Cultural Basket develops and presents an educational program promoting awareness to art. The purpose of this program is to prepare the student to appreciate high quality art also as an adult. This program is in the formal educational system from nursery school to the end of high school.

The state of Israel is a pioneer in this field in the formal education system recognizing the important contribution art has for the individual and for society.

This is a joint program of the Ministry of Education, the National Community Centers and local municipalities.

The Ministry of Education initiated the Cultural Basket as a program which will lead in education of art. It is financed by them and aims to implement the entire student population.

The National Community Centers provide the organizational and administrative umbrella for it. The municipalities each have jurisdiction for it in their region.

The Cultural Basket designates and executes their goals as well as providing professional support and appraisal.

The Program Principles:

-Presentation of Artistic Productions from different disciplines to students throughout the year on many levels with programming for many years.

-Educational activities that accompany the presentations, which include preparations prior and follow up after each showing.

-Presentations during school hours to insure full attendance of the students.

Its Influence and Effects:

-The systematic exposure of students to art will advance educational goals.

-Broaden the Horizons- Introduction and exposure to art will expand the cultural world of the student.

-Spiritual Enrichment-The exposure of art will detract them from materialism and goal oriented achievement contributing to a creative perspective towards a complicated world.

-Involvement in Social Processes-Art expands the consciousness for social involvement and change.

-Tolerance and Understanding of the “Other”- Quality Art examines our reality from a perspective offering a different interpretation. It offers its audience the experience the emotional world of others providing sensitivity openness and tolerance.

-Foundation for Cultural Cooperation.-Awareness of the many different cultural organizations and expressions enriches the dialogue between the different groups in Israel.

-Voluntary Repertory Committee- A professional committee chooses the suited presentations after watching and discussing them. The chosen offering is derived from the fields of music, theatre, dance, visual arts, film and literature. The committee is an independent body that chooses from all the available work created in Israel.

-Program Designed for the Schools-The choice of programs from the offering of the cultural basket that are eventually presented in the schools are made by the educators of each school with the cooperation of students and parents. This choice is not only a privilege but also an obligation for every school in the educational system to implement.

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