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ASSITEJ and ASSITEJ Korea would like to ask for cooperation to collect information of publications which will be used for the following:


-Keep the Secretariat informed on TYA publications all over the world

-Maintain the ASSITEJ Archives updated.


-Contribute to an article in The Journal of ASSITEJ Korea.

(This article will introduce all kinds of periodicals such as magazines, newspapers and journals printed by ASSITEJ members in other countries).

*Required information

1.Title (in the original language and English)

2.Table of Contents (in English)

3.Period: daily / weekly / monthly / biannually / annually / biennial and so on

We welcome all the information from everywhere in the world!

Please send it in by October 20,  2015 via email to and simultaneously.

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Please note that these are AI translations that have not yet been manually checked.