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“In late April theatre practitioners from five countries get together in Harare, Zimbabwe, to present five productions from Mozambique, South Africa, Sweden, Zambia and Zimbabwe as part of the co-operation project “From idea to action – performing children’s rights”. The five productions will be presented during HIFA, Harare International Festival of the Arts.

The project celebrates the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and the plays/productions created in the project are based on the convention or deals with issues related to the child´s position in society. All performances have been directed by a female director and have been produced during 2014-2015. In addition to the production of the five plays the project has also included workshops and discussions and attendance at the festival in Sweden.

Activities within the HIFA-festival includes presenting five new plays to all participants, to a festival audience and to a general audience and to discuss and evaluate the presented plays in the purpose of developing the individual work of the participants. We´d like the participants to take part in the HIFA-festival, allowing them to meet African and international artists to get a glimpse of the African and international performing arts thus expanding the international network.

The presentation at HIFA marks the end of the project which has been funded by the Swedish Institute.”


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