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maraton de teatro
As in previous years the Fine Arts Institute in Mexico (INBA) joins the celebration with a , which will host over 10 different shows with free entrance, throughout the day.

Different TYA companies and theatres of the country will also be joining the campaign ‘Take a Child to the Theatre Today’ with free performances and other activities this day.
sookheeDr. KIM Sookhee, the current president, was re-elected as the 13th president of ASSITEJ Korea on February 23, 2015. She will have the post of presidency for the next 4 years.

Staff of ASSITEJ Korea visited French institutes for “The Korea-France Year”

In order to prepare programming of “The Korea-France Year, ” commemorating the 130th diplomatic relation between the 2 countries, staff of ASSITEJ Korea visited France from February 1 to 9, 2015.

During the 9 day trip, Dr. KIM Sookee, the president, and Ms. CHOI Jeongmin, chief of international programs, had meetings with authorities at Theatre de la Ville and Korean Cultural Center in France, and saw 13 performances at theatres and cultural centers including Théâtre Dunois, Ville de Pantin, Parc des Villette, and Momix Festival in Kingersheim.

The 24th ASSITEJ Korea International Summer Festival, the one and only official performing arts event for young audiences in the frame of “The Korea-France Year” will introduce French performing arts and culture for young audiences with several pieces and a collaborative work by Korean and French artists of “French Focus” in 2016.

The trip was supported by Institut Français Seoul.

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