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La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi invites you to join the upcoming editions of AMEY – Artists Meet Early Years 2023 and 2024, in two separates editions:

1) During “Visioni…2023”, from October 20th to 29th, 2023.
2) During “Visioni…2024”, from March 15th to 24th, 2024 (dates tbc).

Artists meet Early years offers to 18 young artists (Italian or international ones) the chance to meet early years right in the places where children belong to an educational community, crèches and kindergartens.

These 18 artists (preferably under 35), will be split during the two editions of the festival: 8 for 2023’s edition, 10 for 2024’s one.

Thanks to Artists meet Early years, the artists will have the opportunity to visit some educational services belonging to the Municipalities of Bologna, San Lazzaro di Savena and Casalecchio di Reno, dedicated to children 0-3 or 3-6 years old (crèches and kindergartens) for two days in a row.

Two days in a row in the same school, where the artists selected will be free to present fragments of a performance, tell a story or lead a workshop, either in a kindergarten or in a crèche, by picking the 0-3 or the 3-6 years old group age.
Then, in order to share their experience with the operators who attend the festival, we will set in the festival Programme two nights dedicated to them, in which to present a frame of your experience inside the educational services .

On the application, you will be free to mention the group age that you would like to work with, by picking between 0-3 (crèche) and 3-6 (kindergarten).

Visioni is currently a Mapping festival, as it is part of the EU project, “Mapping – A Map on the aesthetics of performing arts for early years”, but, since 2024, it will be a Babel festival, by joining the new EU project “Babel or the Art of Listening”.

The artists selected will have the chance to take part to the events of the festival (such as shows, conferences, workshops, meetings…), but also to exchange their experiences with other artists and to work with the target group of early year’s children.

Artists meet Early years activities will take place from October 23rd to 27th, 2023 and from March 18th to 22nd.

This call is open to 18 artists, also to the last year participants, to whom we will offer accommodation and subsistence for 3 days and facilitations for the festival activities.
If you are interested in this offer, please send us the following information by February 28th, 2023.

  • –  Fill in the form you find together with the call, with the brief presentation of your proposal
  • –  A short CV, focused on your experience in Theatre for Young Audience (previous experience in theatre for early years is not important).
  • –  A cover letter, explaining your motivation towards this experience
  • The selection will be made by the evaluation of the call forms.
    You will receive our answer hopefully by the end of April 2023.
    In case you apply, we ask you to please keep your schedule clear in the periods above mentioned, from October 23rd to 27th, 2023 or from March 18th to 22nd.
  • You can send your application or any question on the AMEY Project to

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